
Foto: arabischsprachiger Impfkalender
Vaccination schedule in 20 languages

Vaccinations effectively protect people against diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. If a large number of people are vaccinated against certain infectious diseases, these can no longer spread across the population.

You may already have a vaccination document that records which vaccinations you have already received. If you do not yet have a vaccination document, you will receive a vaccination record (Impfausweis) after a vaccination by the doctor or, alternatively, an immunisation certificate as a substitute.

Important: Please have yourself and your children vaccinated! The vaccination will protect you as well as your family and other people around you from infectious diseases. This way you will prevent the spread of diseases such as measles, polio, whooping cough or influenza. Bring your vaccination document with you every time you visit a doctor. If you do not have a vaccination document, please use this temporary record this temporary record as a substitute.

In Germany, there are recommendations about when certain vaccinations should be given. Some vaccines need to be administered several times to achieve effective protection. Therefore it may be necessary to attend several vaccination appointments. You can obtain information about this from the medical personnel in your reception centre.

Last change: 23. February 2016
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