Bundesgesundheitsminister Prof. Karl Lauterbach spricht bei einer Pressekonferenz mit Vertretern der Ärzteschaft

Press contact

If you are a journalist, please contact the Ministry's press office.

+49 30-18441-2442 or -2225
(nationwide local rate)

Federal Ministry of Health
Press Office
Mauerstraße 29
10117 Berlin


Please be aware that the press office is able to respond only to enquiries from media representatives.

You can reach the Ministry at +49 30-18441-0. Please note, our working language is German. Should you wish to contact us in English, feel free to use the contact form.


Hanno Kautz
Hanno Kautz © Copyright: BMG/Jan Pauls

Press Officers

Portrait der BMG Pressereferentin Sebastian Gülde
Sebastian Gülde © Copyright: BMG/Jan Pauls
Portrait der BMG Pressereferentin Parissa Hajebi
Parissa Hajebi © Copyright: BMG/Jan Pauls
Portrait der BMG Pressereferentin Sabine Grüneberg
Sabine Grüneberg © Copyright: BMG/Jan Pauls
Portrait der BMG Pressereferentin Kira Nübel
Kira Nübel © Copyright: BMG/Jan Pauls
Portrait der BMG Pressereferentin Sören Haberlandt
Sören Haberlandt © Copyright: BMG/Jan Pauls
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