
  • Foto: Arzt führt mit Finger über virtuelle Oberfläche eines futuristischen Bildschirms aus Glas

    Advancing digitalisation is a key precondition for the successful evolution of our healthcare system.

  • Online Health Guide (Bildquelle: arrow/Fotolia)

    The online guide informs asylum seekers about healthcare in Germany and provides practical advice to prevent infections and diseases.

  • Photo: Water flowing from a tap into a vessel.

    In Germany, drinking water must satisfy stringent quality requirements. The Drinking Water Ordinance specifies these requirements.

  • Foto: Ein Plan, in den Schutzimpfungen gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln eingetragen/angekreuzt sind.

    Vaccinations are among the most important and effective means of preventing disease in the medical toolbox. Modern vaccines are safe and adverse effects only occur in sporadic cases.

  • orangene Kugeln mit Schriftzug "Antibiotika"

    In Germany, measures to fight antimicrobial resistance are coordinated within the German Antibiotic Resistance Strategy (DART 2020). Here you find information on antibiotics and the consequences of inappropriate use.

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