Youth Delegate Programme of the German Federal Ministry of Health

Since 2021, the German Delegation to the World Health Assembly is complemented by a youth representative from the Youth Delegate Programme of the German Federal Ministry of Health. The programme aims to strengthen the participation of German personnel and young talent in international organisations and global health bodies and to make global health issues and current political discussions more accessible to young people.

Background and objective

The Youth Delegate Programme was launched as part of the Federal Government’s Strategy for Global Health and piloted in 2021. The programme for youths and young adults intends to provide insight into international organisations and processes, boost the interest in working in the public health or international field and promote networking with international parties. The first delegate took part in the 74th World Health Assembly in 2021.

The mandate of a Youth Delegate, which lasts for around six months, is to draw attention to young people’s global health priorities and to make the topic more appealing to young people.

By participating in the World Health Assembly, the supreme decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Youth Delegate gains insight into the decision-making processes on global health policy. Moreover, in coordination with the Federal Ministry of Health, the delegate has the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and priorities on behalf of non-State parties (particularly young people), both during the preparatory phase and as a statement in the World Health Assembly. The delegate gains experience and knowledge about global health and WHO, and builds up a professional international network.

Last change: 16. September 2024

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