The Group of Seven - G7
The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal forum of the seven leading industrial nations and democracies. Besides Germany, the G7 consists of Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.
The G7 sees itself as a community of shared values committed, for instance, to freedom and human rights, democracy and the rule of law, prosperity and sustainable development. The role of public health has also gained importance in recent years, not least due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on global health. Although decisions adopted by the G7 are not legally binding, they nevertheless have considerable political impact on account of the combined political and economic clout of the G7 members, so that many other countries as well as international organisations look to its decisions.
The G7 is considered an informal forum since it does not possess fixed structures, such as its own administrative apparatus or permanent representation of members. That is why the presidency, which rotates annually between members, plays such an important role. The presidency sets the thematic priorities and organises the annual summits and meetings of the specialised ministers. Canada took over the presidency from Italy this year and will be replaced by France in 2026.
The highlight of every G7 presidency is the summit meeting of the heads of state and government. At the summit meetings, they have the opportunity to engage in face-to-face talks where they exchange views on global political issues and agree on common positions and goals. The topics to be discussed at the G7 Summit are prepared by the so-called Sherpas – the chief negotiators of the heads of state and government. The outcomes are then set down in joint declarations (communiqués) by the heads of state and government.
However, the G7 process involves much more than this – it is in fact a year-round operation. In working groups at expert level and at meetings of specialised ministers (Ministers’ Meetings), the G7 countries agree on joint positions and initiatives in various policy areas. While the G7 originally focussed on the development of the global economy (this is why their meetings are also known as “world economic summits”), today there are numerous working groups, including on foreign policy, trade, climate/energy/environment, science/technology and health.
© Copyright: Bundesregierung
Health was already a priority of Germany’s G7 presidency in 2015. At the time, the G7 presidency was leveraged to draw – jointly with the other G7 partners – vital lessons from the Ebola crisis to ensure a better response to similar global crises going forward. The theme of Germany’s G7 presidency in 2022 was “Progress Towards an Equitable World”. One key outcome was the commitment to strengthen global health by improving pandemic preparedness and response.
G7 Health Ministers’ Communiqué (2024)
Annex: G7 Policy brief on Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and challenges for the Health Sector (2024)
G7 Nagasaki Health Ministers’ Communiqué (2023)
G7 Leaders' Statement (Hiroshima 2023)
G7 Leaders’ Statement (Elmau 2022)
G7 Health Ministers’ Communiqué (Berlin 2022)
G7 Pact for Pandemic Readiness (Berlin 2022)
Summary of the Joint Working Session of the G7 Development and Health Ministers (Berlin 2022)
Additional information
G7: Frequently asked questions
On its website, the Federal Government provides answers to the most important questions about the Group of Seven.
The G7 Summit in Elmau
An overview of the G7 Summit of the Heads of State and Government in Elmau.
G7 Health Ministers' Meeting in Berlin
The health ministers of the G7 states agreed, among other things, on a pact to ensure a more effective response to pandemics.
Overview: Global health policy
Global health issues call for solutions that also cross thematic borders. The Federal Ministry of Health provides a recap of the most important aspects of a modern Global Health Policy.